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The content of our events programme is two-fold: 


1. putting on our own events for members, and 

2. facilitating cross-profession attendance at events across the criminal justice system. 


We hope that being part of Women in Criminal Law will allow you to attend events across the sector, to promote a breadth of communication, to foster new relationships and to see more of the profession. Through our broad network and membership, we hope to be able to invite you to events that you may not normally access.


To that end, in our programme of events, you will see direct booking for WICL events and links to external events you might consider attending with other WICL members.


TED TALK: What is 'Imposter Syndrome' and how can you combat it? 


Online Resource: Why can’t so many of us shake feelings that our ideas and skills aren’t worthy of others’ attention? Elizabeth Cox describes the psychology behind the imposter syndrome, and what you can do to combat it.

TED TALK: Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders - Sheryl Sandberg


Online Resource: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions -- and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite.

27 Mar 2020

Events Update

Our events page is looking a little empty at the moment - as most of our physical diaries are.  We've removed all of our events whilst we remain in lockdown and so we're not sad about things we might be missing - however we will be updating this page instead with online events or seminars that we hear of so that you can continue to join in virtually! 


Don't forget that WICL are hosting an online Corona initiative, so you check out our online platforms either for Mental Mondays or Wellness Wednesdays.


Read all the details here:


02 Dec 2020

CPS Festival of Inclusion - WICL, Bar Council & CPS Panel Discussion

Wednesday 2nd December 2020



Join as Diana Wilson (Head of Policy) and Michelle Simpson take part in this brilliant panel event with the CPS and the Bar Council to show all the brilliant work we have been doing together this year - and what we can learn from the CPS example in terms of diversity and inclusion. 


Please click below to register! 

06 Jul 2020

Lawyers and Little Ones

A mini network of WICL mums/mums-to-be from across the WICL membership. Consider this an opportunity to meet other mums working within the Criminal Justice System.  Started as part of our Corona-initiative, the Lawyers & Little Ones sessions will become a regular once-a-month feature hosted by WICL committee mothers. The network is open to all mothers with little ones 0-5 years old as well as expectant mothers or mothers on maternity leave at any stage, in any role! 


The details for each session will be advertised nearer the time so there is no need to register now. 

The dates for the diaries are as follows: Wednesday 7th October, Wednesday 4th November and Wednesday 2nd December.

03 Dec 2020

WICL's Virtual Pupillage Night

Thursday 3rd December 2020 at 6:15pm via Zoom. 


The main aim of the event is to provide prospective pupillage applicants with an opportunity to speak to practitioners and to gain advice from those who have already gone through the process. 


This year the pupillage event will also showcase alternative options to the bar. 


The event will be limited to 50 spaces and only open to members of WICL. Therefore if you would like to attend please email confirming your interest and providing a short bio about your journey to the bar, the stage you are currently at and which sets you are applying to. 


If you are not currently a member of WICL, please visit our membership page for details.


Zoom details will be provided at a later date. We look forward to seeing you all then! 

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Got an idea for an event? We would love to hear from you...

If you have an idea for a new event that you think is currently missing from our calendar or know of an event that our members would benefit from attending together, alert us using our message box below:

Thanks! Message sent.

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